Breaking Bash - Using Bash in Jupyter Notebooks

Publish date: Apr 10, 2023
Tags: jupyter python bash data science

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Jupyter notebooks have a lot of capabilities and applications. One of the less document uses is the ability to use Bash in-line. While this power is easy enough to overlook, it’s also easy enough to misunderstand.

Learning, looking, and reading about things related to the bash commands available in Jupyter Notebooks, I see a lot of people using it like this:

file1.csv   file2.csv   file3.csv

This works well enough, I guess, but what if we add a fourth file in?

file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv file4.csv

One thing that’s incredibly nice about the outputs of the bash commands, they can be saved off! For example, if we want to get a list of files in a folder and save it off to index later, we can!

ls = !ls

This is great for saving off the file names, but what can we use them for if they’re saved into python?

We can pass them through!

This is honestly one of the features of the JN bash that I had the most trouble finding, but you can in fact push variables into the bash arguments, just wrap them in {} and they’ll pass the data through!

The unfortunate part is that you can’t do calculations in-line, but you can just do the calculations off in the previous line and have them saved to a variable just as well.

Let’s take a look at a realistic example real quick.

Say we want to render images in a notebook and we know we want to be able to add or remove images as we work through our processes. Here, we’ll include the Image function from IPython.display

Let’s assume this is what our project directory looks like:

├── breaking_bash.ipynb
├── pets
|   ├── cats
|   |   └── ... <- pictures of cats
|   └── dogs
|       └── ... <- pictures of dogs
└── src
working_dir = './pets/'
_list_dir = !ls {working_dir}

Here, we look into the pets folder in our current directory and get a list of the folder names within.

We can see from the output that the result we’ve saved off is a list of folder names that we have within the pets directory. Since we can pass in arguments to bash, that means we have a really simple way to go into these folders and save each of the files off into different variables or within a dictionary.

For our purposes, we’ll do the latter.

We can create a simple for loop that goes through each of the directories that we have our images in and run them all through Image() to generate a simple image dictionary (or just display them in-line).

container = {}

for _dir in _list_dir:
    # we'll create a variable that holds our directory
    # name for going through the loop
    subdir = f'{working_dir}/{_dir}'
    # we'll create a new array that is the list of ALL
    # files that are in the subdirectory we have active
    # (e.g. ./pets/cats) so we can iterate in the next
    # step
    files = !ls {subdir}

    # we can set the container's keys to the names of
    # the folders so that it's as easy to navigate or
    # to recall as the file structure was in the first
    # place
    container[_dir] = {}

    for file in files:
        # each file in _dir is called, rendered, and
        # saved into the dictionary with its file
        # name as the key (and also displayed)
        im = Image(f'{subdir}/{file}')
        container[_dir][file] = im

Great! This grabs all of our pictures and gives them to us in a way that’s easily accessible through python. That’s really nice and convenient, but the real gem is that this process is DYNAMIC.

If we put a new folder into this structure, we don’t have to explicitly tell Python to look in that folder and get the new images there. This is more of a benefit with using variables than anything, but being able to investigate folder contents through bash dynamically and pulling those into Python through functions that would otherwise need to be given string literals is something that can easily save some time. ESPECIALLY if the folder structure is used in a logical way.

A solid example of this would be data that is stored in for train test splits. If all train data is in a ./train/ folder, it’s easy enough to include that as a prepended folder - but what if you’re adding new info into a model to see how how well it can be trained on new data? Looking at the pictures explanation from above, if all the model is trained on is cats and dogs and we want to add in a new category that our model investigates, like rats, we wouldn’t necessarily want to have to go through and manually add that folder into our model’s data. There are a lot of places that string would need to be added, and saving it off as a new key would let us call all of the same processes on that model in a much more Pythonic way.

If you have any familiarity with bash, you might be seeing a world of possibilities opening up here. Effectively, all commands that return an output are usable here. grep, awk, sed… There are a world of possibilities. Need to create several Pandas data frames that are stored as different types? grep -e ".csv" lets you only select the csv files for your pd.read_csv() function. Have some tsvs as well? grep -e ".tsv" in combination with pd.read_csv(..., sep='\t') will let you read those in. Using bash commands in combination with sys is an untapped gold mine of potential (and maybe a little jank).

As I mentioned before, this functionality’s documentation seems to be extremely limited. I haven’t even been able to see another post that mentions the fact that output can be saved to a variable. As a result, there is a ton that may be possible. Piped commands, custom shell scripts, it all feels limitless. While the application of this could be minimal, I may have covered every single use case for this functionality in a few-hundred word post, it’s entirely possible that this extensibility and direct access to the filesystem may be what a lot of functions need.

This may not be the most portable of pieces, but with almost no fail, new tools are always going to make old problems more interesting to approach.