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Breaking Bash - Using Bash in Jupyter Notebooks

Bashing something something pun Jupyter notebooks have a lot of capabilities and applications. One of the less document uses is the ability to use Bash in-line. While this power is easy enough to overlook, it’s also easy enough to misunderstand. Learning, looking, and reading about things related to the bash commands available in Jupyter Notebooks, I see a lot of people using it like this: !ls file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv pd.read_csv('./file1.csv') pd.


I suck with money No, Really When I first got out of college, I managed to land a job paying me $25/hr with $0/yr in bills. I was working full time and even a little bit over. After taxes, I was bringing home close to $700 every week. I was incredibly lucky and had a lot of opportunity ahead of me. It would be reasonable, then, for someone to ask me something like “How much money did you put up?

Walrus Operator

Using an Arctic Tank with a Data Snake What IS a Walrus? USFWS via PIXNIO, licensed under Creative Commons, CC0. Data science marine biologists rejoice! In-line assignment is possible as of Python 3.81 (released in Oct. 2019)2. The walrus operator (:=) sets a variable to a value, just like = - but importantly - IT RETURNS A VALUE. This may not seem very useful, and often times, it isn’t. However, this means that variable assignment can be done in line.

Why Data Science?

$ whoami_ In 2015 I started my professional career with a mostly-undefined IT position. The department I was working for knew they wanted an intern but really couldn’t figure out what exactly for. After weeks of “Look busy™” and “Put this into a spreadsheet,” they ran out of busywork. As my internship came to an end, I had managed to impress a couple of other departments heads by coding some extremely basic HTML.